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An Email Conversation With A D. Ickhead

This email conversation amused us in the office this week.

Back at the end of July when we were putting the first draft of DOOH INSIGHTS Volume 3 to bed, i.e extremely busy with one book going out, one on the go, a newspaper in layout, three (no four brochures) to do, a well earned vacation to go on, three events in October to plan, judging duties for Art of Outdoor to look at – oh and Gala Awards’ finalists to start selecting, we received this…

Hi Adrian,

My name is A D. Ickhead [1] and I am an MBA student at Columbia Business School interested in learning about DOOH Advertising. I was hoping to speak with you on the phone for a few minutes so that I may ask a few general questions about the industry. If you could, please let me know a good date/time/number at which to reach you.


Quite simply, we do not have the time or the inclination to work for free and politely replied…

I’m sorry we cannot help you. A

It took many weeks but we got this reply today…

Thanks, I’ll be sure to let everyone know how helpful and knowledgeable you are.

Commenting on our post Michael err, we mean A D. Ickhead emailed…

Ha I love it. Clearly less busy than I am. Good luck out there

Michael A D. Ickhead doesn’t know us so has no idea how knowledgable or not we are but now at least he knows how helpful we can be.