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Goldberg’s 2015 Digital Signage Predictions

For the past six years Real Digital Media’s CEO, Ken Goldberg has made his annual digital signage predictions about this time of the year, we quote him here, “long before filler content from others clutter the December Twitter streams and blog rolls”.

They are always a good read and he is even brave enough to rank his predictions from the year earlier (trust me ‘guv, not many of us do that!).

Here’s his seven for 2015: –

  1. Proximity marketing gets closer
  2. Content rationalization steps forward
  3. Sun Tzu comes to digital signage
  4. It is, and will remain Digital Signage
  5. #NYDSW becomes a fixed part of many marketing budgets
  6. Consolidation accelerates
  7. Programmatic, or Problematic?

You can (and should) read them in full here [1].