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George W. Bush Presidential Library

If you are in Dallas, Tx, and have any interest in architecture, interior design, Audio Visual or President George W. Bush [1] himself then you must, absolutely must, visit the George W. Bush Presidential Museum and Library [2].

Barco - GWB Presidential Library [3]

Barco’s work at the Library (shown above) was of course a finalist in the ‘Best Stadium / Office Building / Corporate / Hotel, Hospitality or Leisure Install’ category at The DailyDOOH Gala Awards (2013) and it really is amazing to see – no matter how many times you see it.

Software | Barco LiveDots Director Toolset Proprietary media and content delivery system (Niles Creative Group)
Display Technology | 2,560 customized Barco LiveDots C5 LED tiles and 8 Barco LiveDots DX-700 video processors
Installer | Niles Creative Group, Diversified media Group
Client/End User | The Bush Foundation

We also noted on this visit to the library, a spectacular MicroTiles based command and control simulation (a sort of ‘war-room’ where the visitor calls the shots)…

Microtiles - GWB Presidential Library [4]

12 wide x 6 high MicroTiles.