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Err @Philips_Signage Stupid Is As Stupid Does

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Despite all the free advice buzzing around the Interweb, the dolts at Philips Signage still managed to waste whatever money you spend these days on promoting not one but TWO tweets by not following some of the (very) basic rules on getting in on the social media conversation…

Stupid is As stupid does [1]

Missing from the above tweet of course are two (pretty basic) hashtags; namely #ISE2015 and #AVTweeps both of which will widen the reach of any relevant tweet by a hundred fold or more at least.

And tweeted later…

You can lead a horse to water [2]


… turning ‘Philips’ and ‘presstour’ into hashtags is pointless, as well as wasting two of the very valuable 140 characters available. The use of @ISE_2015 is meaningless and should have been #ISE2015 instead.