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#dse2015 Keynote: Location Is The New Cookie

Asif Khan, founder and president of the Location Based Marketing Association [1], drew a full house with a solid and up-to-date speech at Tuesday morning’s keynote breakfast at #dse2015 prior to opening up questions to a knowledgeable panel.

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Under the title of ‘Big Data – Small Screen Insights’, Khan told the audience, “We are living in a sensor-drive world, and we are entering the era of the narratives.”

Among examples to illustrate his talk, he showed the current Women’s Aid campaign in the UK [3] and a woman passing a store window where various outfits showed up in hologram form tempting her to enter, offering a discount, and even telling her that she could get the same deal on line!

“What’s important is the emotional connection with people,” he said, giving an example of a pizza order where too much technology can complicate what should be a simple act.

“Location is the new cookie,” he said. “At play is where you are right now.”