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#dse2015 A Sharp-Looking Virtual Shopping Mall

Darn, we didn’t take a photo, but Sharp Electronics Corporation [1] had a nice booth laid out as a virtual shopping mall, with various sections showing, eg., a liquor store, a grocery store and several other small commercial sectors.

We met Stephen Brauner, senior product manager, professional displays, for Sharp Imaging & Information Company of America, and Ron Epstein, public relations and social media manager, who showed us some of Sharp’s newest offerings.

Among them were a 120 4K ultra high definition LCD display gauged to interest flagship stores, high-end boutiques as well as military defense – very diverse, to say the least.

Sharp was also showing a nice 55” video wall display with a 3.5mm bezel which will be available in July. One of its many features is a uniform colour corrector technology.

And available since only a month ago was a 70” ultra high def 4K commercial display.

“We see this one as of interest for museums, boutiques, and conference rooms where it would replace projectors,” said Brauner. “It’s already being sold.”

The company also was showing its PNE 603 and 73 standard high def. displays that replace earlier models and now have a much thinner profile so that they don’t protrude much from the wall.

Sharp tends to do most of its marketing via trade shows and case studies. As one of the top selling brands for large format commercial displays, Sharp Electronics claims the #1 revenue share for 60”+ commercial displays, and position as the #1 selling brand for 55”+ commercial integrated touch displays through US B2B sales channels.