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#dse2015 Digital Donation Kiosk Encourages Giving

inLighten [1], based in Clarence, New York, was another firm we hadn’t met prior to #dse2015.

Headed by Dan Snyder, owner, president and CEO, this company founded in 1989, has grown through offering LED, still content, video, and now is into interactive touch screens. It offers a full turnkey operation including screens, players, content management software, creative services and technical support. Among its clients are financial companies, higher education and houses of worship.

On its booth were several small kiosks including one that I thought was intriguing, an ‘I Give’ kiosk for lobbies of churches – although it presumably could be used for other charitable sectors, as well.

Launched a couple of years ago, “It’s selling well,” said Matt Welter, communications director.

Further research shows that inLighten [1] have one of the most professional produced industry websites we have seen for some time as well!