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#AmplifyOOH OOH Principals Roundtable

On the final day of #AmplifyOOH being held in San Diego May 11-to-13, 2015, attendees will hear from industry leaders during the OOH Principals Roundtable – usually one of the most popular forums at the convention.

The Principals Roundtable will take place on the main stage and will be moderated by convention co-chairs Jeremy Male, OUTFRONT Media [1], and Michael Cooper, Rapport [2].

During this annual forum, respected industry leaders from media companies, agencies, and OOH specialists will discuss the most import issues facing the OOH business today.

In addition to the moderators Male and Cooper, panelists include:

Note that Jeremy Male will be keynoting The DailyDOOH Investor Conference which takes place Wednesday November 4, 2015 in New York.