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Average Briton Spends 3 Hours, 10 Mins in a Public Space

Recent research by Route details the amount of time that is spent with outdoor as a medium in the UK.

James Whitmore, MD Route told us “Analyses of the amount of time spent with each of the various media invariably fail to include a measure for out-of-home. We at Route are perplexed by this, as it is simple enough to do”.

Route - media time vs ad spend 2015 [1]

The Route survey holds information from 30,000 people, each who carry a GPS meter for a nine-day period. Route collect data every second, to an accuracy of two metres. Route know who has each device and precisely where they are, how they are moving and how fast, for each moment of the day – they have twenty billion data points to work with, Ed.

James Whitmore adds “What the figures tell us is that the average Briton, on an average day, spends three hours and ten minutes in a public space. Not at home, not at work, not indoors, but in a car or walking, in a train station or shopping centre, on a tube or waiting for a bus and so on”.

As the Route data is collected passively, one can surely be as confident as ever that the research effect is kept to a minimum. Route are not relying on the memory or interpretation of the participant, just the accuracy of the GPS device (Route of course recruit the sample and know how to properly weight the respondents to reflect the population as a whole).

James Whitmore continued “Looking at the time data as reported by other commercial media and overlaying the share of display revenue as recorded by the AA, we are able to create a chart that properly reflects the amount of time that is spent out-of-home There are of course many ways to represent the statistics and this is only one of them. But hopefully from now on, such comparisons will include the outdoor medium because the numbers certainly exist.”.