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Nothing To See Here Says @KineticWW

Ethical investment company Abundance is launching its new ‘Consequences’ campaign by depositing a branded pink shipping container outside London’s Canary Wharf underground station supported by a targeted out-of-home (OOH) campaign co-created with Ambient Media and Kinetic Worldwide.

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This unmissable installation, situated in Londons’s biggest business area, is emblazoned with the slogan ‘Consequences – the least used word in the investment world‘ and spearheads the wider campaign, planned and bought by independent media agency the7stars.

Digital screens in and around Canary Wharf mirror the container’s provocative style with the message “What’s big and pink and will make you think about how you invest?” to support Abundance’s drive for ethical investments.

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Consumers passing by the container in Canary Wharf will also receive digital media via Wi-Fi connections, as well as being targeted with stand-out formats in City AM, the city’s free financial newspaper. The activity will run for one week..

More outdoor ads will appear throughout the London Underground and around Waterloo Station from June 15 and will be supported by online activity and a targeted newspaper campaign with ads appearing in titles including the Guardian and the Independent.

Oli Tame at the7stars, told us “We’re really excited to be involved in such an unusual and dynamic project. Thanks to the hard work of Kinetic and Ambient media we have come up with a genuinely original out-of-home solution which really strikes at the core of what Abundance stands for as a brand, while advances in digital targeting have allowed us to run one of our most tailored campaigns ever.”

Abundance is an ethical P2P lender and crowdfunder offering an alternative way to invest than is offered on the high street. Its founding ideology is to leave clients safe in the knowledge that their investments are made in worthwhile, ethically sound endeavours, as well as offering a good rate of return (av. 6-9% APR).