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#ISE2016 Digital Signage Summit Market Briefings

Every day during #ISE2016 attendees will be able to attend a Digital Signage Summit (DSS) Market Briefing.

The DSS Market Briefing offers an exclusive overview of the digital signage market in EMEA. The experts at invidis [1] will be looking back at 2015, looking forward to 2016 and analysing the trends and driving forces behind the industry.

Each briefing takes place in the DSS Lounge / Room F102 at the following times and you can register here [2]: –

Feb 9, 2016, 14:00
Feb 10, 2016, 14:00
Feb 11, 2016, 14:00
Feb 12, 2016, 14:00

Immediately following the market briefing is an optional (extra) 90 minute Digital Signage Summit (DSS) Guided Tour [3].