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#ISE2016 @NEC_Display_EU X754HB Large Format Display

NEC Display Solutions Europe has expanded its portfolio of high brightness displays with the launch of a 75-inch display designed for areas with high levels of ambient light, and where the harsh environment of sunlight would affect the performance of normal displays.

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Displays that can be used in high brightness environments add much-needed flexibility and high-quality visual experiences to retail, quick serve restaurants, airports or digital out of home display situations.

The X754HB large format display offers a reliable and consistent solution for environments where lighting conditions are changeable but the information on the display always needs to be visible; whether a menu or information board, where detail is important, or for images that add to the retail experience, where colour is key. The 75-inch display intelligently adapts to its surroundings, using an integrated ambient light sensor. During the day, the display provides a bright, clear image regardless of the lighting conditions; at night, it dims, reducing power consumption and creating cost-efficiencies for the organisation whilst maintaining perfect readability. With a display size of more than 190 centimetres, the X754HB matches the industry demand for life-size signage applications that effectively operate in these demanding environments.

Tobias Augustin, Senior Product Manager at NEC Display Solutions Europe told us “One of the major challenges in the design of a retail or quick service restaurant space is natural lighting. Even with professional equipment in place, high ambient brightness can impact the primary asset and effectiveness of an information display and therefore the return on investment for the business. Addressing this challenge with a display that is capable of extensive adaption means retailers can be sure of the flexibility and resilience they need.”

The display also offers flexibility as it delivers a clear visual experience wherever the viewer is standing. Thanks to the integration of a quarter-lambda filter, viewers still enjoy full visibility while wearing polarized sunglasses. The experience is also enhanced as the direct LED backlight provides significantly better contrast ratios with deeper blacks and better colours, and is protected against overheating and the risk of black spots on the panel surface.

In order to ensure a smooth integration into retail or advertising environments the X754HB comes with a built-in OPS (Open Pluggable Specification) option slot which is a fully integrated interface for computing modules running digital signal content. The wide variety of OPS Slot-in compatible computers provides the ability to play back native and crisp content and are supported by the majority of major digital signage software providers.

The NEC X754HB high brightness display will be on show at the NEC Display Solutions booth 4-R24 at #ISE2016 in Amsterdam February 9-12, 2016.