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MyStop on @ExterionMediaUK’s Beacon Network

Proxama PLC has worked closely with Google to launch, what is called, the world’s first deployment of a ‘Physical Web consumer engagement experience’.

The campaign has launched in London in partnership with Exterion Media via Google’s Eddystone open beacon format.

Proxima’s MyStop web experience delivers real-time transport updates to London commuters and travellers’ mobiles, as well as contextually relevant advertising. The service will ONLY be available to passengers with the Chrome browser installed on both iPhone and Android, initially across London buses.

Passengers can use the service to see real-time route updates and status as well as set a reminder notification as they approach their chosen stop, according to their exact location on the bus route.

Brands will be able to use the beacon network to engage and advertise to London travellers, through the MyStop progressive web app service. London travellers are of course a highly sought after demographic – during ‘dwell time’, when they are most responsive to relevant and timely content. Bus travel in London accounts for more than half of all bus journeys in the UK with 2.36bn trips in the capital.

Eddystone boosts the reach and capability of beacon campaigns because it enables any smartphone with the Chrome browser to interact with the Physical Web without the need to download an app. With 47% of all handsets shipping with Chrome, this approach enhances the scale of campaigns significantly, and with it the potential to increase the Return on Investment on mobile advertising campaigns.

Jon Worley CEO of Proxama’s Marketing Division told us “Proxama has long seen the potential in beacons for delivering great consumer experiences via mobile. The ability to deliver contextually relevant messages and content to specific demographics has been the Holy Grail for brands for many years”

“We’ve partnered with Google to ensure our TapPoint platform supports Physical Web experiences, meaning brands will no longer have to worry about whether a consumer is using this app or that device – just that they are connected to the internet. Through Proxama, brands are now deploying beacon enabled campaigns to large numbers of consumers rapidly and without technical complexity. We expect further roll outs in London and the UK over the coming months across transport networks and high footfall destinations such as shopping malls, stadiums, city centres and events.”

Mike Wood, Product Strategy and Innovation Director, Exterion Media said “It’s clear that Eddystone and the Physical Web creates exciting engagement opportunities for brands to better engage with consumers on the move. We have enhanced our bus beacon network to support Eddystone and we’re excited to see how brands take advantage of this. Along with our recent Fox and Shazam Kung Fu Panda 3 campaign announcement, this is yet another indicator that 2016 will be the year beacon technology gains significant market traction”.

Google Chrome is the first web browser to support Physical Web notifications from Eddystone beacons with FireFox, Opera and Microsoft’s new Edge browsers expected to come on board imminently.