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#dse2016: Use Real-Time In Your S&M Strategy

David Merriman Scott, marketing and sales strategist, gave an inspiring #dse2016, keynote speech using numerous human examples of how real-time marketing should be used in content by the digital signage industry.

Scott gave a series of rules to follow, and the only thing missing was information on how marketing and sales can convince the money powers in their companies to give them (and perhaps increase) their budgets to use and adapt their current ways to best advantage in their own companies.

Among the topics and rules he touched upon (and these work, he showed, for both B2C and B2B) were:

CEOs and sales and marketing people made up a large part of the audience. The real telling will be whether they convince the CFOs to loosen their purse strings and allow the industry to really use his real-time content ideas in their marketing and sales strategy.