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Gimbal Supports Eddystone-eid (Ephemeral Identifiers) From Google

Following Google’s announcement Thursday (Apr. 14/16) of the release of Eddystone ephemeral /EID frames, which is designed for scenarios where beacon deployers want to manage access to the beacon signal, including privacy- and security-sensitive applications, Gimbal [1] has been classified with full support for Eddystone, including this latest release of Eddystone-EID.

Eddystone is an open and extensible Bluetooth Low Energy beacon format from Google, which was introduced last July, 2016.

As a leading solution for mobile engagement and location intelligence, Gimbal has always put privacy and security at the forefront of its solution It has been a firm believer that beacon owners should have ‘digital ownership’ of their beacons to control which applications are able to access their beacons.

Gimbal views Google’s investment in the beacon space as a further testament to the industry-wide adoption of beacon technology and views it as one that will help accelerate growth across multiple industries looking to evolve their mobile offering to keep pace with ramping Internret of Things expectations.

All Gimbal Proximity Beacons will be able to be configured to operate with Eddystone UID, TLM and URL packets immediately and EID frame type moving forward.