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Cieslok Media Build Awareness Of Immunodeficiency

Cieslok Media [1] tied into world Primary Immunodeficiency Week, April 22-29, by partnering with Immunodeficiency Canada [2] to drive awareness around the warning signs for the disease.

Immunodeficiency Logo [3]World PI Week is a global effort aimed at raising awareness and improving diagnosis and treatment of primary immunodeficiency (PI). Championing the cause and looking to create awareness is Immunodeficiency Canada, a national registered charity providing patient support, education and research for a cure for Primary Immunodeficiency. Leveraging Cieslok Media’s digital screen at the landmark location of Yonge-Dundas Square, Immunodeficiency Canada has been able to amplify their PSA showing the 10 warning signs every parent should know.

“We are committed to supporting organizations and initiatives that make a positive difference for the public,”
says Jörg Cieslok, president and CEO of Cieslok Media. “With our impactful DOOH in Toronto’s busiest intersection, we are in a position to amplify Immunodeficiency Canada’s message to reach the masses, creating awareness of PI’s10 warning signs.”

Cieslok Cares [4]There are more than 250 different genetic defects of the immune system recognized by the World Health Organization as a form of Primary Immunodeficiency. Approximately 29,000 Canadians suffer from PI and over 70% are undiagnosed. With early diagnosis, proper care and optimal treatment, individuals can live full and rewarding lives.

“Cieslok Media plays a vital role in reaching the masses and we are grateful for their involvement in our PI Awareness campaign,” says Richard Thompson, CEO, from Immunodeficiency Canada. “With their expertise and support we are able to reach more Canadians than ever before with this important message that can save lives.”

Cieslok Cares, the Cieslok Media Corporate Social Responsibility program, is proud to support Immunodeficiency Canada, alongside various great causes and charities both at the local and national level. The 10 Warning Signs PSA was screened at Yonge-Dundas Square at 3:00 and 4:00 pm last Saturday, with a pre-screening reception for the families involved in the making of the video held at the Hard Rock Cafe.