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New UK Report Reveals Public Apathy 4 #SmartCities

According to research carried out by the Institution of Engineering and Technology [1] (IET) only 18 per cent of the British public has heard of a ‘smart city’.

logo iet [2]The research, where the IET calls for a public engagement campaign around benefits of new technology, is reported in their new report ‘Smart Cities – Time to involve the people’ which also reveals low interest in the technologies typically associated with smart cities!

It is said that a city’s adoption of new technologies has traditionally involved little consultation with consumers and as a result, the report suggests that the public has yet to buy into the idea of smart cities and to be convinced of the value and benefits that technology, delivered on a city-scale, could bring to their daily lives.

It is suggested that new disruptive technologies and applications such as Uber (on-demand taxi services) and Airbnb (online accommodation service) may help to change hearts and minds, but the findings suggest there is still some way to go.

Other findings from the research include:

Alan Howard, IET Head of Thought Leadership told us “In spite of substantial investment in smart cities from the Government, local authorities and businesses, most people don’t understand the concept or, more importantly, how smart city digital communications technology could improve their quality of life by enhancing infrastructure and public services, including transport and traffic management, energy, water and waste management, healthcare and other community services.

“Promoting ‘lessons learned’ from pilots like those in Glasgow, Peterborough, Bristol and London will help inspire, inform and influence more local authorities and communities about how technologies can improve the quality of the daily lives of their citizens.

“It’s also important that public authorities, businesses and service providers understand the innovations and issues that people want to see in smart cities and communities – and put greater emphasis on the human and societal outcomes of their initiatives. Putting people first, rather than technology, is essential if we are to improve quality of life and create liveable, connected and sustainable cities and communities in which to live, work and invest.

“Without this, we risk developing technology-enabled cities and communities that people neither recognise or value.”

The report also cites projects in Glasgow, Peterborough, Bristol and London that have successfully taken a people-centred approach to smart cities and offer examples of how technology can improve the quality of life for residents, workers and visitors alike.