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Get The Latest on @LinkNYC in London This Week

LinkNYC [1], the free municipal Wi-Fi network units paid for entirely by advertising currently being rolled out in NYC streets, now has 195 Links installed.

Dave Etherington who last spoke for us in NYC [2]

Dave Etherington who spoke for us last year in NYC

To date, the Links have been accessed almost 2.5 million times and are gaining about 15,000 new users per week.

This Tuesday May 17 Intersection’s Chief Strategy Officer Dave Etherington is presenting at The DailyDOOH Media Summit [3] at 14:30 on the subject of ‘Connected Cities, Citizens and Brands’.

He will pose the question “What will the future of urban landscapes and citizen engagement look like? As more people than ever before flock to live in cities, what role will brands play in facilitating more fair and connected environments to live in, and how will this impact the state of advertising within physical spaces?”.

His presentation is proving very popular and we know that a lot of continental European media people are flying into London specifically to hear him.

There are still a handful of tickets available for the event which can be purchased here [3].