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Starbucks #FrappucinoHappyHour

You know it’s nearly summer when the annual Starbucks #FrappucinoHappyHour comes around – this sees ‘Frap lovers’ enjoy half price off their favourite drink for 10 days.

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This year, to build more coverage and drive awareness on the streets of London, Verifone Media and Starbucks have launched a DigitalTops campaign.

Verifone Media’s HD LCD DigitalTop network of 400 screens, offers advertisers a 1 in 6 share of voice within a 30 second loop. With multiple capabilities such as day parting, meteo, geo and weather targeting; this format lends itself to reaching a specific audience, in the right place, at the right time. As the Happy hour is daily between 3-5pm for 10 days, Verifone Media are able to schedule the ad across the network between any particular times. Firstly, this is great for spreading the word on the streets before the event, but also during, and driving footfall to the many Starbucks Stores around the capital to redeem this offer.

Jim Cohen, Verifone Media’s Sales and Marketing Director told us “Our DigitalTop offering is the perfect booster to any campaign working with other media to amplify the message that is already out there. We can reach a specific audience group, at a specific time, in an exact location, at any time of the day. We saw a perfect opportunity with Starbucks to be able to target consumers while they are out and about to remind them of the Happy Hour they would have seen in press in the morning. Our DigitalTops reinforce this message to consumers, when they are yards away from a Starbucks driving footfall into store! We will keep promoting this way of engaging audiences to advertisers, and prove how beneficial DigitalTops can be!”.

Look out for one of Verifone Media’s 200 HD DigitalTop Taxis around London, and don’t forget to get down to Starbucks and treat yourself!