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10,100+ Attend Internet of Things World

Internet of Things World [1], believed to be the world’s largest and most comprehensive IoT event, announced record attendance for Internet of Things World 2016, which took place May 10-12 in Santa Clara, California.

IoT photo [2]

The 2016 event saw a 74% increase in attendance compared to 2015 with over 10,100 attendees this year.

Several tech giants announced new products, platforms and partners at the conference including Hitachi, SAP, and Avnet, among others. The 2016 event had over 150 sponsors and exhibitors. Popular exhibits included Hitachi’s smart cities booth, connected car technology from Bosch, Samsung’s Otto robot, a giant Amazon Echo and more.

“The fact that two years ago we had less than 1,000 attendees at Internet of Things World and this year we had over 10,000 represents the widespread belief that IoT technology is here to stay,” says Gavin Whitechurch, founder of Internet of Things World. “Companies are no longer just considering IoT, but are creating and advancing real–world solutions. We’ve already received signups for next year’s event and are looking forward to continuing to be at the center of IoT innovation.”

A total of 375 speakers covered such topics as IoT security, architecture, smart homes, local infrastructure, wearable technology and the Industrial IoT. Startup City featured over 70 startups showcasing the latest technology advancements across the IoT market.

This year the conference focused on monetizing the IoT revolution by bringing together ecosystem-wide attendees, stakeholders and investors. Internet of Things World provides a unique opportunity to meet key players within the marketplace.

IoT World 2017 will take place May 16-18 at the Santa Clara Convention Center.