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What to Expect at #Infocomm16 in Las Vegas

The Futuresource Professional Display team [1] is all set to participate at #Infocomm16 in Las Vegas.

FuturesourceLogo_hi-resolution300dpi [2]We understand that their team will be speaking at a number of conferences connected to the show as well as scanning the show floor, reviewing the new propositions in the pro audio visual (AV) space .

Their goal is to understand the hot topics, trends, technologies and products that are emerging in the ever converging world of professional AV.

Areas of focus for them include audio, display technologies, digital signage, video conferencing, digital content creation, networking and signal distribution.

Alongside its quarterly global display tracking services (projection, commercial flat panel and interactive displays) recent reports from Futuresource include the latest Global Video wall Report, covering liquid crystal displays (LCD), narrow pixel pitch (NPP), light emitting diode (LED) and rear projection and the company’s latest round of corporate end user research which covers meeting room technology adoption, user and buyer wants and needs together with corporate adoption of digital signage [3], both recent additions to the portfolio.

In anticipation of next week’s show, Futuresource Consulting is sharing its thoughts on some of the pioneering technologies and products that it expects to see across video wall applications, front projection, commercial flat panels, wireless presentation/unified communications & collaboration and virtual reality…

If you are interested in finding out more regarding the latest Futuresource reports: Video Wall, Corporate End User, Virtual Reality (VR) and 4K then get in touch with nicola.finn@futuresource-hq.com.