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Urban Land Institute Gets @TransitScreen

The Urban Land Institute [1] recently unveiled a TransitScreen [2] in its new, state-of-the-art global headquarters in Washington, DC..

Urban Land Institute logo [3]Regarding partnering with TransitScreen “for our building, staff, visitors, and members globally,” Patrick Phillips, ULI Global CEO, says, “We believe this is an essential technology that helps improve our experience of city life.”

“TransitScreen is honored to have our technology helping the local and global visitors at ULI’s world-class workplace,” says Ryan Croft, TransitScreen cofounder. “We have formed many long-standing relationships and partnerships within the ULI community globally and with the staff themselves. We are excited about growing this relationship further and improving the quality of lives for the DC HQ staff and visitors.”

Founded in 1936, ULI is a major non-profit providing leadership on responsible land use and creating and sustaining thriving communities.

It currently has over 38,000 members globally.