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Final #Infocomm16 Stats on Tuesday

For those of you waiting for final #Infocomm16 twitter hashtag statistics we will have them ready on Tuesday.

Compared to the event held in Orlando, FL last year [1] it looks, at the moment, that the actual number of tweets is down slightly but with  number of impressions and the number of people who tweeted up.

Despite the spin that Infocomm put on attendance (38,833 visitors, 4.8% more than the last time the show was held in Las Vegas [2]) this is the FIRST time in seven years that the Las Vegas show was less than Orlando in terms of actual visitors…

Which means that Orlando last year was still the biggest InfoComm by visitors (albeit exhibitor numbers were up this year).

With regard Twitter numbers we’ll know definitely by end of play Tuesday [3] when we can match up the EXACT 30 day period around a show that our sister site aka.tv measures [4].