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Audi’s New R8, Born on the Track, Built for the Roadside

Audi has recently launched it’s much anticipated new R8 model in Australia to the hype and fanfare expected of the 2016 World Performance Car [1]. The extremely powerful sports car celebrates the union of motorsport technology and hand-built craftsmanship and is stand out for any motoring enthusiast.

T1 Exit Spectacular Site, Sydney Airport [2]

T1 Exit Spectacular Site, Sydney Airport

The new R8’s tagline is ‘Born on the track. Built for the road’ and Audi’s creative agency, 303 MullenLowe, together with media agency, Mediacom, are also ensuring that it will be seen everywhere in between, with a strategic campaign targeting premium roadside assets.

Using APN Outdoor’s portfolio of Digital Billboards known as Elite Screens, as well as a selection of standout static billboards, the new Audi R8 will dominate the Outdoor leader’s premium inventory.

Brittany Crowley, Activation and Investment Director at MediaCom Sydney commented on the approach “Audi’s new R8 is the definition of premium automotive luxury and performance. To truly showcase the vehicle in the shining light it deserves, we wanted to align the campaign with a visual, high impact format offering equal callibre in terms of quality, impact and scale. By selecting the highest quality Elite Screens and roadside billboards at priority touchpoints across Australian capital cities, we were able to showcase the pinnacle of the Audi brand to a broad and relevant audience, across premium, scalable inventory in appropriate, high traffic locations.”

Mark Fairhurst, General Manager – Sales, APN Outdoor told us “It’s great to see big brands using a selection of our finest inventory as the centrepiece of the campaign, with a range of static and digital sites. Great creative and strategic site selection has enabled Audi to showcase the new R8 in all its glory and we look forward to seeing this campaign up in lights around the country in the coming weeks.”

APN Outdoor is Australia and New Zealand’s most progressive Outdoor advertising company; leaders in the Digital Billboard, Billboard, Transit, Rail and Airport advertising categories. Whilst dominating traditional outdoor formats, the company also maintains particular focus on growing and developing their digital portfolio, establishing APN Outdoor as the unrivalled leaders in this space. In addition, APN Outdoor have established themselves as vanguards in research, investing in several market leading studies, that prove the power of the medium and foster innovation and growth throughout the sector. APN Outdoor boast over 36,000 high-impact, attention-grabbing locations, dominating major city skylines, roadways, rail-stations and airports across both sides of the Tasman.