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JCDecaux’s Oxford Street Bus Shelter Synchronisation

JCDecaux has now completed the synchronisation of four Visual Display Clusters (VDCs) on its digitised Oxford Street network.

oxford-street-hero [1]

The bus shelters near Marble Arch, Selfridges, John Lewis and Orchard Street (outside Selfridges Foodhall) have now been synchronised, meaning that each screen within a pedestrian’s line of sight shows the same creative at exactly the same time, and change instantaneously. Synchronisation dramatically increases the impact and noticeability of the Oxford Street network.

Spencer Berwin, Co-Chief Executive at JCDecaux UK, told us “We have invested heavily in ensuring our recently launched digitised Oxford Street screens deliver the most impact for our clients. Synchronising our larger double-sided dynamic HD screens according to line of sight, truly gives brands an engaging and eye-catching canvas to target millions of passers-by on Europe’s busiest shopping street.”

With half a million visitors daily, Oxford Street is Europe’s busiest shopping street. By upgrading and digitising all the bus shelter screens on Oxford Street, JCDecaux has increased impressions by 50% since taking over the contract, delivering 1.3 million impressions per week (Route 20).

JCDecaux worked with Instalcom, the specialist telecoms contractor, to link screens via data cables laid across the footpath and carriageway – a significant engineering feat.

Oxford Street is the second street to be synchronised after Edinburgh’s Princes Street. Hyde Park Corner, The Strand and Islington’s Upper Street will be among the next locations to be synchronised in the London Digital Network (LDN).

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1 Comment To "JCDecaux’s Oxford Street Bus Shelter Synchronisation"

#1 Comment By Robert Lewis On 8 September 2016 @ 14:47 @658

The individual screens look great “in situ”. Alas, who is ever going to have the opportunity to see them as they are in the photo, even in their peripheral vision? By it’s nature, Oxford Street is full of pedestrians as well as buses and taxis. The clear benefits of digital synchronization, such as might be achieved with a sequence of above-head screens in an airport or mall environment, simply won’t be realized here. Some of the screens will always be blocked by the people they’re targeting. Except when the photo is taken at 5am.