JCDecaux launches the Hull Digital Network

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

JCDecaux has expanded its small format digital network nationally to Hull, launching 10 new double-sided state of the art D6s in the city centre. As the market leader in digital street furniture, JCDecaux’s Edinburgh and London portfolio delivers 55% of the weekly viewed impressions in this environment (Route 25). The company is now extending this presence into a third city, with the launch of 10 new double sided free-standing digital 6-sheets in Hull.

Hull was awarded the UK City of Culture 2017, an award given every four years to a city demonstrating the belief in the transformational power of culture, and in its inaugural year Hull has hosted over 450 events, exhibitions and cultural activities. This has attracted over 1.4 million visitors to the city and provided a GBP 1bn boost to Hull’s tourism economy.

With a mix of retail including House of Fraser and Debenhams, Hull is a top 40 UK city with an annual retail spend of £428m (CACI). The new digital assets provide advertisers with an unmissable opportunity to engage with audiences as they move around the city.

In Q1 2018, JCDecaux will further expand its digital street furniture portfolio into the City of Bristol.

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