- DailyDOOH - http://www.dailydooh.com -

Modernize Your #DOOH sales w/ @Broadsign Direct

As digital out-of-home continues to grow, more and more advertisers are looking to add DOOH to their campaign mix. However, the loops, slots and flights pricing model, typically used to sell DOOH, isn’t what the majority of digital media buyers are used to.

With the newest features in Broadsign Direct, you can now create rate cards based on CPMs and select campaign screens based on each advertiser’s audience and budget goals, giving you the flexibility to plan and price DOOH campaigns in terms and numbers that work for every buyer.

To help explain all this Broadsign are hosting a webinar as follows: –

Modernize your DOOH sales with Broadsign Direct
10:30 AM EST

You can register here [1].