Toronto Decisions Postponed to September

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

It appears that Toronto’s Executive Council and the city’s Planning and Growth Committee have decided to consult the out-of-home advertising industry before finalizing any by-laws.

As discussed in our May 22 article, there are fears that a proposed tax would devastate the out-of-home industry in Toronto.

At both the June 2 Executive Committee meeting and the June 4 Planning and Growth Committee, the powers that be decided to postpone any decisions on both a new 25% tax on all advertising income earned from billboards, as well as a new harmonized sign bylaw.

“We’ve been told that there will be a consultation with us in June, but so far, we haven’t heard from anyone,” says Rosanne Caron, president of the Out-of-Home Marketing Association of Canada.

“We’ve made three submissions, including our independently conducted study by Altus Group Economic Consulting to examine the Toronto out-of-home advertising industry and analyze the economic consequences of the proposed billboard tax. We understand that the city has also had an economist do a study, but, to date, we haven’t been shown the results or any report.

“However, the industry is pleased that the city is willing to talk. We hope that this means that the groups are looking at the impact of their proposals, as well as our recommendations, and that they will hold discussions with us soon.”

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