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Body Shop Launches First-Ever #OOH Ad Campaign w/ @OutfrontMediaUS #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting

The Body Shop this week unveiled its first out-of-home campaign in the U.S. leveraging high-traffic outdoor advertising spaces to call upon the public to help ban animal testing in cosmetics.

Partnering with Cruelty Free International, the campaign is the most ambitious of its kind, calling for a global ban on animal testing of cosmetic products and ingredients by engaging eight million people to sign a petition calling for the United Nations to introduce an international convention to end the practice once and for all.

Andrea Blieden, General Manager, U.S. at The Body Shop said “The Body Shop has been Forever Against Animal Testing since the 1980s. We’re so excited to continue to spread the buzz of our campaign and bring our petition to outdoor audiences through our first ever out-of-home marketing campaign and digital billboards in New York City. This activation puts us one step closer to our goal of delivering our petition and signatures to the United Nations later this year, and finally preventing animal testing in cosmetics forever, everywhere.”

The ads will run from March 19, 2018 to April 16, 2018 in New York City’s Times Square and will run on newly-installed Liveboards in historic Helmsley Walkway, underneath the Helmsley Building, a New York City Landmark designed by the architects of Grand Central Terminal.

Jodi Senese, Chief Marketing Officer, OUTFRONT Media told us “The Body Shop has long been at the forefront of the fight against animal cruelty and OUTFRONT Media is pleased to partner with them to add fuel to their campaign with our out-of-home Liveboards,” said Forever Against Animal Testing’s message, on OUTFRONT’s intelligent state-of-the-art digital displays, reaches audiences on-the-go in prime New York City locations, including the new Liveboards installment in Helmsley Walkway.”

The petition can be signed online or at any of The Body Shop’s 3,000 stores across the world. Consumers are encouraged to use the campaign hashtag #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting on social media to raise awareness of the issue.