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Swedavia Airports @ZetaDisplay Contract Award Decision

ZetaDisplay [1] has received notification of a contract award decision of tender to deliver digital displays to 10 Swedavia Airports, from Malmö in the south to Kiruna in north of Sweden.

ZetaDisplay is one of three winners receiving notification of contract award decision for LCD Displays and one of three winning tenderers regarding deliver of LED Displays. ZetaDisplay is the only tenderer receiving this notification of contract award decision in both categories.

We understand that the potential order value during the contract term three years, with an option of two years extension, is approximately 40M SEK (GBP 3.37 Million).

ZetaDisplay is a provider of Digital Signage to major retail and service chains. The company has approximately 140 employees and sales offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands.