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#NRF2019 @deepmagic_cc Private Tours

DeepMagic [1], a pioneer in developing scalable unattended (and cashier-less) micro-retail outlets using a combination of computer vision and artificial intelligence, claim to have a unique perspective on the technology and the market. They’re not exhibiting at #NRF2019 but, as they are conveniently based in NYC, are scheduling tours before and during #NRF2019 at their SoHo-based Showcase Lab.

This year, their first commercial and public store opened in collaboration with Cisco Systems (shown above) where consumers grab the products they want off the shelves and are billed automatically for their purchases.

Bernd Schoner, Co-founder and CEO shared with us “We expanded our product line to include both larger and smaller form factors working with some of the world’s largest retailers and CPGs and we signed up global distribution partners including one of the largest payment processors in the US.”

Reach out to bernd@deepmagic.cc if you are interested in a tour.