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Quividi Explores #DOOH’s Path to Cross-Media Compatibility

Quividi [1], the World #1 audience & campaign intelligence platform for DOOH, has launched its latest white paper on Audience Impressions. It explores the factors that can accelerate DOOH towards the “holy grail” of cross-media compatibility.

Ke-Quang Nguyen-Phuc told us “The aim of the Audience Impressions white paper is to educate on the different​ ​audience measurement methodologies and models and on how DOOH could bridge with other digital media. It also describes how Quividi meets or exceeds the highest standards of online and D/OOH audience measurement (IAB/3MS, ESOMAR and DPAA) and is future-compatible with the upcoming cross-platform audience standard (IAB/3MS).”

Digital transformation is affecting every industry around the globe and audience measurement for out-of-home is no exception. The move to automated, integrated media transactions is creating new revenue opportunities that did not exist before. One major driver of future growth for DOOH is cross-platform compatibility with other media so it can get access to the same transactional pipes as its digital cousins: desktop, mobile, social and video.

Quividi’s White Paper on DOOH Audience Impressions discusses the technical qualities of an audience impression, independent of measurement method and medium (cross-platform), describes the technical parameters of Quividi’s computer vision technology for measuring cross-platform audience impressions and explains how it compares with other measurement methods, notably those using mobile data.

Quividi’s DOOH Audience Impressions white paper can be downloaded here [2].

The white paper’s key takeaways will also be presented on December 3, 2019, in Dublin, as part of a conference organized with Quividi’s partners Adtower and Intel.