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Lightout Joins @DPAAOrg

DPAA, the leading global organization for all advertising and content outside the home, has announced that Lightout [1] has joined the association.

Barry Frey, DPAA President & CEO, told us “Lightout brings a new perspective to DOOH and fully understands how to implement and leverage technology for the continued digitization of the outdoor industry. They are a tremendous addition to our member community.”

Lightout lets media owners and agencies easily set up their own custom portal to manage inventory, create packages and offer performance measurement. The portals are customized to each client and enable a client’s customer to log in, track campaigns and maintain a close connection to the media owner or agency. Lightout automatically measures website lift, app install lift, footfall traffic lift, survey lift, social lift and direct response QR code and SMS tracking.

Joe Kunigonis, VP Strategy at Lightout, said “We have long admired the work that Barry and his team have done advocating on behalf of advertising outside the home. We look forward to participating in DPAA’s efforts and introducing our technology solutions to the industry.”

Lightout is a NYC and San Francisco based technology company that works directly with media owners and agencies to provide new tools for planning, selling and measurement. We believe that OOH media is one of the most underutilized formats in advertising and expect several trends – transition to digital formats, better targeting, honest performance-based analytics – to contribute to an explosion in interest for the OOH form factor.

To deliver on their promise of ‘Digital Out of Home Everything’ DPAA functions as a business accelerator and concierge/consultant for members. Membership in the DPAA community brings many benefits, including admission to quarterly “mini summit” meetings with ad industry and DOOH leaders; access to curated VIP tours and meetings at CES and Cannes Lions; an extensive database of research, best practices and case studies; tools for planning, training and forecasting; social media amplification; publication discounts; an opportunity to participate in media partnerships; insights on software and hardware solutions; further integration into the advertising ecosystem as part of the video everywhere conversation and marketing campaign; and more. DPAA’s 2020 Video Everywhere Summit, the industry’s largest one-day media event, will be held Tuesday, October 13 in New York.