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The Great Poetry Resurgence

In an article earlier this week, Havas creative powerhouse and poet Mark Fiddes believes marketers should pay more attention to the power of verse.

You can see the full article ‘why marketers should pay heed to poetry resurgence’ here [1] but in case my readers weren’t fully aware, yours truly is usually well ahead of any trend curve and only last week, myself and another trend-setter, namely DPAA CEO Barry Frey took to poetry on twitter and shared some limericks.

Barry was up first…

This virus was no longer rare
And it did provide a great scare
But yes, we will fight it
As our screens do light it
Right up in the heart of Times Square

#WeAreTheCountervirus #OOH #DOOH

And my retort was…

Barry was right it ran day and night
Stay safe, stay home said Out of Home
Aimed at easing pain, it was a global campaign
Alongside other Ads for those who should be saluted
Everything has been nicely planned and well executed

#WeAreTheCountervirus #OOH #DOOH