Aimera Survey Reveals Viewer Activity During TV Commercial Breaks

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Interactive marketing platform Aimera has just concluded a survey amongst 16 to 60-year-old television viewers in Lithuania in order to determine their attention span while watching television. Not for the first time, the findings put the influence of TV advertisements on its audience into question.

The results here revealed that one out of two people use commercial breaks as a cue for a bathroom break, around 40% switch to in-between channel selection and more than a third spend the time on a social media.

Ilja Polivanovas, CEO of Aimera told us “Retaining the attention of your audience has always been at the top of the mind for advertisers and marketers alike. However, it seems that the grasshouse conditions consumers are currently placed in are not doing the industry any favors, as most people responded that during the breaks they are bound to find something else to do. Only 17% have reported to stick around for the commercials. The majority though are more likely to keep themselves busy, whether it’d be checking what’s new on social media or simply reading a book.”

A third of survey participants also mentioned chit-chatting with family members or friends, 10% reported playing various games and a fifth of respondents said that they used the commercial break to prepare themselves a meal. A full summary of the survey, conducted in collaboration with the agency Caption, can be found here.

Similar research from Aimera raised the question about the effectiveness of pre-roll ads before the main programme. Those findings too, corresponded with this latest survey, as only a fifth reported not being bothered by the commercial breaks, while most of respondents expressed eagerness to avoid or, if possible, skip imposed advertisements. Both of the studies highlight a continuous trend in attention decline of television viewers, as most would rather choose doing anything else instead of watching the presented commercials.

Aimera is an interactive marketing platform, enabling marketers to reach and build personal relationships between brands and consumers in a gamified way. Users can explore and participate in various challenges. Successfully completed challenges award users with a virtual currency – points, which can be exchanged for a range of prizes.

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