PRN Loses Its Chief Strategist

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Michael Quinn was one of THE level headed folks at Premier Retail Networks (PRN) – sad then to hear that he will be leaving at the end of July.

Michael was most recently Chief Strategist at Premier Retail Networks.

We don’t need to tell many people that this ‘level-headedness’ was rare in the higher echelons of power at PRN.

You can read Michael’s thoughts on “The Real DOOH” on his blog

2 Responses to “PRN Loses Its Chief Strategist”

  1. Suzanne Alecia Says:

    Adrian, thank you for posting a fond farewell to Mike Quinn. He has been an instrumental force as a Board member at OVAB and we will miss his level headedness and smarts. Mike, here’s to your next endeavor and thank you, from all of us at OVAB.

    Suzanne Alecia

  2. Chris Goumas Says:

    If you are a CEO in the DOOH space and you are reading this ….move quickly to grab one of the smartest guys in the space. I don’t care who you have on staff now, I promise you they can not hold a candle to this guy.

    He is a DOOH research expert, a content expert, a customer experience expert, a marketing expert, a sales support expert (read: enabling your sales team to drive maximum revenue via well executed support materials), a process expert. You get about 8 employees in one here…and he is a excellent manager of people…his staff love him.

    Seriously. Email Suzanne Alecia and she can probably put you in touch with him.

    Mike…PRN are going to really miss you!

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