- DailyDOOH - http://www.dailydooh.com -

Support Ukraine With Your #OOH Media

In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many of us across the global OOH industry are feeling totally helpless and trying to figure out what we could possibly do to help.


Luckily, representatives of the Ukrainian OOH community, we were lucky enough to meet many of the country’s media owners on our last visit to Kyev [2], Ed reached out to us here at the DailyDOOH with their PSAs calling for the industry to donate to the Ukrainian resistance.

In case members of the worldwide OOH industry, specifically media owners and the AdTECH marketplaces would like to provide some DOOH space to help Ukrainians spread the word about donation you can find the PSAs here [3].

Each piece of creative contains a QR code which will link to the National Bank of Ukraine donation webpage [4].