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Upgraded GroceryTV Retail Marketing Platform

Grocery TV [1], the largest digital advertising network in U.S. grocery stores has upgraded its Retail Marketing Platform, equipping it with new capabilities that improve the user experience and that will help retailers consolidate their in-store campaigns through a single tool.

[2]Mike Pollack, CRO at Grocery TV told us “Our new and improved platform gives retailers the power to fully manage their in-store digital experience, and in turn increase shopper engagement and drive demand with each store visit using localized, relevant content,” said After working with over 200 retailers in the past 7 years, we’ve learned from their feedback and created new features to address their challenges and needs.”

We are told that the platform plays a key role within Grocery TV’s full-store retail media solution. It was developed specifically for the retail space and includes features such as:

The Retail Marketing Platform is part of its broader full-store solution, which aims to help retailers and brands reach shoppers throughout the store and at all stages of the buying journey. In addition to its platform, the company also provides hardware, operations and engineering support, and incremental revenue opportunities for their retail partners.

The first round of new features for Grocery TV’s Retail Marketing Platform will be released in Q2 this year.

This launch follows Grocery TV’s recent acquisition of Mediaworks, which added digital entrance displays to the network’s inventory and fueled its full-store expansion. Grocery TV plans to roll out digital in-store media products for all major areas of the store— including service departments, center store, and pharmacy.