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Viola Outdoor Using @Firefly_Cities in UAE

Viola Outdoor, a division of Viola Communications, the Abu Dhabi-based media communications specialists, has announced a joint venture with Firefly.

The partnership will introduce Firefly’s roof-top digital LED screens to Abu Dhabi’s Tawasul fleet of taxis, vastly expanding the reach of Viola’s portfolio of Digital Out Of Home products.

Ammar Sharaf, Group CEO and Board Member of Viola Communications, told us “I am delighted that Viola Communications is at the vanguard of digitalisation of the outdoor marketing infrastructure of the UAE capital. We have been introducing innovations in OOH throughout our history in Abu Dhabi with our lamppost, bus and bridge banner advertising. Since we launched our digital OOH transformation plan, our goal has remained constant – to help advertisers reach people in key, premium areas with the highest quality sites and screens. Accomplishing the implementation of the capital’s first digital bridge banner network on highly visible key arterial routes was a fantastic milestone, soon to be augmented by the installation of digital Totem.Lights on the streets of Abu Dhabi. Now, with the addition of Firefly’s dynamic industry-leading digital vehicle-top screens, we are providing unique eye-level marketing opportunities in association with Tawasul taxis. Viola Outdoor’s partnership with Firefly and Tawasul is a game-changing addition to the marketeers’ arsenal and I am delighted that we are leading the field by contributing to the adoption of smart technologies across the DOOH landscape in line with the digital transformation strategy of the Abu Dhabi government, and enhancing the experience”.

The addition of Firefly’s programmable vehicle top LED screens to Viola’s digital portfolio via Tawasul’s taxi fleet will ensure the widest possible coverage for advertisers, as the vehicles boast an average 23,000 passengers driven a distance of 350,000 km per day throughout every zone, street, and area of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, journeys that are additionally enhanced by Viola Outdoors’ digital bridge banners and Totem.Lights.