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The Majority Report

Stuart Armstrong, EnQii’s, President in North America, writes good articles and treatises on our industry. His latest…

On the one hand, shoppers today are more harried than ever and appreciate nothing more than ef?ciency. On the other hand, shoppers are more harried than ever and appreciate nothing more than relaxation. Handheld devices that, frankly, are more interesting to many consumers than any ad or promotion that might cross their paths.

As we pursue the creative potential of “Just-in-Time Television” at retail (see: the HUB, March/April ‘06 [1]), we need to be mindful of these two related, but in some ways contradictory, features of shopper behavior. The same shopper who wants to get in and out of the supermarket or drug store as quickly as possible might also want to kick back and relax at a favorite bookstore or coffee shop.

The way we communicate with that shopper must align not only with our own marketing objectives but also with his or her prevailing frame of mind. Our job, as marketers, is to do as much as we can to make sure that we are helping our shoppers get exactly what they want, when they want it.

The full article can be found / downloaded as a PDF at http://www.enqii.com/press/2008/04/21/the-majority-report/ [2]