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State of Static #OOH @Broadsign Report

Broadsign has released an interesting ‘State of Static OOH Report’ which paints a strong 2024 outlook, with workflow efficiency, automation, data and analytics technology, and sustainability as key areas of focus.

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) may have claimed the limelight in recent years, but demand for static OOH remains strong. It accounts for nearly 70% of available OOH market inventory today. While both OOH formats present unique challenges for media owners, Broadsign’s first State of Static OOH report provides key insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the static OOH industry today and into the future.

Broadsign’s report collected input from more than 125 OOH professionals spanning 60 companies spread across the globe. More than two thirds of participants originated from companies with hybrid static/digital networks ranging from a few hundred screens to thousands. Key report findings include:

“Static is going to continue playing an essential role in the OOH market for the foreseeable future, but as more screens go digital, adapting with the times will be vital. To this end, there is more work to be done to automate the tools and processes used across the industry and reduce static OOH’s carbon footprint,” shared Broadsign Product Marketing Specialist Catherine Lee. “Our report findings not only reinforce these challenges, but point toward an optimistic future for the industry should it work together to evolve and overcome them. We’re excited to reveal our findings to the community and hope they’ll inspire conversions that drive change.”

You can download the full report here [1].