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AdForum Ranks The World’s Most Awarded Ads

AdForum has launched its latest Business Creative Report: a ranking of the world’s most awarded ads.

[1]In 2023 it would appear that the ‘most awarded’ advertising campaign in the world was ‘McEnroe vs. McEnroe’ by FCB New York for Michelob Ultra.

The report covers nine categories: Automotive, Entertainment & Leisure, Finance, Food & Beverages, Health & Beauty, Luxury, Retail, Technology and Transport & Tourism.

This year’s report is based on the results of more than 40 awards shows, both local and global. This year for the first time it integrated the Ciclope Festival [2], which covers production, directing, visual effects, animation, editing, sound and other vital elements of craft.

#AI played a role in last year’s most awarded campaign overall. ‘McEnroe vs. McEnroe’ from FCB NY but while the project combined elements of artificial intelligence and robotics, at its heart is the performance of a charismatic athlete.

If there is one clear trend from the report it is that film and print are slipping lower down the list of awarded work in favor of digital and experiential.

Now in its seventh year, AdForum’s Business Creative Report is a unique ranking of the world’s most awarded campaigns by industry sector and is compiled from the results of the leading awards shows around the world, it allows advertisers and agencies to measure their creative impact against their peers in the same industry.

You can see the full report here [1].