McDonalds TV: das neue Zeitalter Beginnt

Russ Curry, Ministry of New Media


The picture here shows the panoramic display by 3Sixty:TV who are currently running and rolling out McDonald’s TV in Germany.

Managing Director, Carsten Schneeweiss proudly explained that his company is concentrating all their efforts on making this a benchmark channel before taking on other clients.

They are currently at 270 McDonald outlets installed and aim to reach 600 in 2009 with a final target of 800 out of the total of 1300 ‘restaurants’ in the nation. Progress is allegedly slow and laborious because of the high proportion of franchisees in the network.

3Sixty:TV is working hand in hand with McDonald’s on getting the programming up and running to the clients specs until the end of this year – after that they’re on their own!

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