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Experimental Consumer Psychology

This press release has been covered widely elsewhere but we thought it worthwhile throwing in our two penny worth.

Basically this may well be the first ‘official’ study into the psychological impact of digital signs in the corporate environment. Important?

Well yes, so many of the larger corporates roll out Reception or Foyer TV with little thought of impact (or benefit). It’s always good to have a plan in place before doing these sorts of deployments.

We have seen recently some innovative uses of digital signage in corporate call centres – see our mention of AXA’s deployment of Cisco DMS [1] in their contact centre.

Can digital signs in the workplace improve employee morale and productivity? Yes surely they can! We know it can take up to two days to disseminate information through a corporate business – even with email, intranets and mobile phones!

Will it be of interest? Again yes, Pixel Inspirations [2] are a digital media agency and it’s great to see them doing innovative things liike this. The results of this study will be invaluable to the likes of Scala and Cisco who we feel seem to have the most interest at the moment on internal / real estate digital signage.

We are basically surprised that this sort of research hasn’t been done before.

ESRC to fund the first-ever study into the psychological impact of digital signs in the corporate environment

Bangor University and Pixel Inspiration secure funding for pioneering 3-year study

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), one of the UK’s leading research-funding bodies, has awarded money for a series of pioneering studies into the psychological impact of Digital Signage (DS) within the corporate environment. Under the award, the ESRC provides a graduate studentship: three full years of funding to a PhD candidate who will research DS in corporate environments. Jointly supervised by digital agency Pixel Inspiration and by Dr James Intriligator, co-director of Bangor University’s Centre for Experimental Consumer Psychology, the researcher will aim to quantify the effects that specific DS content has on employees, focusing on areas such as employee morale, retention, and job satisfaction.

The findings will be used to form a set of best practice guidelines, regarding the style, content, and delivery of effective DS content, which could then be applied to virtually all corporate environments.

“This funding represents a real breakthrough,” said Intriligator. “The ESRC is the science establishment in the UK, so for it to decide to fund studies into DS, that shows that the field is coming of age. A PhD studentship means three years of work – that will create real knowledge that will impact many lives.”

Nikk Smith, technical director, Pixel Inspiration. “In today’s age of information overload, many corporate organisations still rely on email as the primary channel for communicating with employees. But DS can do so much more. We believe that this research project will allow us to demonstrate, in scientific terms, the benefits that DS can deliver to a business. The ESRC has recognised the value of research into the use of DS in the corporate environment and we’re excited to be given the funding needed to support the first meaningful study in this area.”

Pixel Inspiration will be working closely with its corporate DS clients, developing and producing all the digital content for the study, using the latest research in cognitive psychology to guide improvements.

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1 Comment To "Experimental Consumer Psychology"

#1 Comment By James Intriligator On 4 July 2008 @ 23:54 @037

I am glad to see that this new research is generating some interest in the world of digital signage. We (at Bangor and Pixel Inspiration) are very excited to be embarking on this research. We hope to find some results that will be of value to the broader digital signage (and business) communities. As this is a really new area of study, we are also interested to hear any thoughts/ideas that others might have. Please feel free to get in touch if you are interested in learning more, getting involved, if you have any inspiring suggestions, any metrics that you would love to see measured, etc. -james Intriligator, Bangor University. [3]