Digital OOH in Second Life
Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
We are still, at this stage, speaking to some Second Life architects and Amigo Digital are busy developing the creatives but by Friday this week we should have a Digital Out of Home creation in Second Life.
Macmillan Cancer Support have rented space in Second Life to use as an information centre. It’s quite cool – sugar cubes are used for chairs for example!
“On Friday from 11am – 1pm macmillan are launching our Second Life Virtual Cancer Information Centre with an auction and coffee morning with Second Life celebrities.
In the evening from 10pm – 12am they are having a Brazilian themed coffee evening party with DJ and fancy dress on the Second Life site”.
The room currently has a number of posters, one of which will be a Digital Signage poster that will play both the PONG and the WORDS animations on a loop – branded digital signage software per se hasn’t come to Second Life yet so we are using the equivalent of a DVD player / tape machine!
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