Active Consumers And DOOH

Dylan Jones, Jones Digital Media

For those of you who missed Garry McGuire’s keynote speech at the Digital Signage Investor’s Conference two weeks ago in New York, I thought it was worth posting a link to the two videos showcased in the presentation – FULL DISCLAIMER, Jones Digital Media was commissioned by RMG to  write, create and produce these videos.

We feel they are important to showcase because they’re designed to be a tool for the whole DOOH industry and not just be one company’s perspective.

The  Active Consumer video shows how digital out of home connects with an audience mindset rather than an audience segment – something I’ve always believed true when developing creative for any of our clients.


The second video, Audience Mapping, shows how throughout a consumers day they are constantly surrounded by media – something smart marketers should  be taking advantage of when it comes to planning a DOOH campaign.>

As our industry matures it’s important that we all speak with one voice when it comes to our audience and the opportunities DOOH offers to advertisers. I think these videos go some way to helping that cause, and who knows, maybe in six months we’ll all be talking about the Active Consumer as if we’d been familiar with the term for years!

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