First Pictures Tesco, Poland

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

We wrote 3 weeks ago ‘Tesco Hypermarkets, Poland‘…

Word reaches us that Atvertin Sp. z o.o. a Polish company, based in Poznan (formerly called Raido) and owned by specialist investment company BBI Capital NFI has won a contract to implement perhaps the largest digital signage systems in Poland, namely 48 Tesco Hypermarkets.

ATVERTIN arrogantly claim this as “one of the greatest digital signage projects in Europe” (their words in the press release) yet one look at the photos supplied show that they have made the same mistakes as the original TescoTV in the UK and this despite the fact that they also claim to have researched and researched this medium!

No one looks up in the air when pushing a supermarket trolley around a store !!

At first glance this looks incredibly disappointing.

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