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I’m #dse2011 Twitter Analysis, Buy Me!

As we mentioned back in February we recently published our first ebook [1]ISE 2011 Twitter Hashtag Analysis‘ as we continue to explore all that is Kindle [2].


#dse2011 Twitter Stats

That went so well that we’ve done it again, this time with our ‘DSE 2011 Twitter Hashtag Analysis’.

The surprise of the detailed analysis was, that for once, we were NOT the supreme twitter champion at an industry event. The analysis showed that there was a new number one in terms of tweets and new numbers one and two in terms of impressions.

As usual the report gives a clear indication as to who was active at the event and how well the hashtag fared (and it’s derivatives – though there were far fewer deviations than normal thanks to some excellent policing by the organisers and ourselves). Twitter traffic for the event was also incredibly high AND we mean ‘incredibly’.

Once again we hope that the price tag of a whopping USD 9.19 won’t put off those show and event organisers and the marketing folks in the bigger corporations from taking a look.

If you don’t have an actual Kindle device, Kindle reader apps can be downloaded for Android, iPhone/iPad, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry in the US and for PC and Mac on Desktops – one of the reasons why we chose to publish using Kindle and not some other mechanism!

You can purchase the DSE 2011 Twitter Hashtag Analysis in the US store here [3] or in the UK store here [4]. As always, feedback welcome.

2 Comments (Open | Close)

2 Comments To "I’m #dse2011 Twitter Analysis, Buy Me!"

#1 Comment By Ken Goldberg On 9 March 2011 @ 12:18 @554

Event hashtags have quickly become compromised by people who view them as targeted marketing/self-promotion vehicles. These folks pollute the streams with way too many tweets that serve no purpose other than to have their name & icon pop up with high frequency. Properly used, event hashtags are great tools for people at the event, and even more so for those who did not make it. In the hands of those who live to see their name on a Twitterwall or dotting a stream on HootSuite or TweetDeck, it amounts to spam. You do a great service by promoting the proper hashtag at every DOOH event. Now you should promote quality over quantity. If your analysis included a relevance filter, I’d bet the results would change.

#2 Comment By Richard Lebovitz On 9 March 2011 @ 13:59 @624

It’s hard to find fault with Ken’s observation on “quality” over “quantity.” What struck me most about the tweets I read is how few had anything cogent to say. Granted, it’s a challenge to put some heft into 140 characters, but good headline writers do it all the time. I mean it’s one thing to point out that LG introduced a transparent LCD, but what’s the implication or application of that new technology? A tweet isn’t a substitute for thought. Also, I’m not sure many conference speakers understand the role the twitter back channel plays today in conveying presentation content, or the way in which they can take advantage of the back channel to spread the gospel. DSE points this out in the guidelines we provide all participants on the educational program, but based on our observations, few understand the new rules of the game. Obviously, you folks at the DailyDOOH do, and perhaps your efforts will help raise the bar.