- DailyDOOH - http://www.dailydooh.com -

What’s Your @TwBirthday?

We didn’t remember when exactly we set it up but @twbirthday [1] told us this morning via tweet that our twitter account is three years old today!!

[2]Happy 3rd TwBirthday! You’ve been around since 11 August 2008 http://twbirthday.com/DailyDOOH/

We have a godfather as well, none other than @manolo_almagro [3] !!

We are even proud godparents as @dhuelsermann [4], Founder and President of OVAB Europe, and NEC Manager DOOH Solutions tweeted earlier this morning “TwBirthday of @dhuelsermann is on 11 July 2008, godfather is @DailyDOOH, certificate at http://t.co/aSI9dtK [5] via @TwBirthday”

Like most of the eco-system sites that have sprung up around Twitter, it (TwBirthday) is totally useless but one suspects that many a wasted hour in corporate office will be spent playing with the like.