iPresentoir – Supertec’s Smart In-Store Fixture

Chris Sheldrake

Quividi continue to announce license and embedded deals for VidiReports their live audience measurement solution. Here we see integration into Supertec’s smart in-store fixture, called iPresentoir® and better still, it’s a branded fixture that will be deployed in over 750 stores of one of France’s largest cell phone operators.

Supertec manufactures and sells a number of in-store communication tools – all intended for goods and service retailers. Its two main products are iScreen®, a smart digital signage solution, and iPresentoir®, a smart instore fixture.

iPresentoir® recently received the Silver POPAI 2008 Award in the Digital Media category, Ed

Supertec’s POP solutions often embed RFID technology – as long as RFID tags are placed on each product on display this of course makes it possible for the fixture to interact with customers.

Combined with the Quividi solution (webcam placed above the screen) retailers can now have one fixture that delivers key audience metrics: –

  1. Percentage of passers by who take a look to the screen
  2. Percentage of viewers who watch the screen for more than a given number of seconds
  3. Percentage of interested viewers who take the product in hand
  4. Percentage of engaged viewers who finally walk away with the product

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